Blue Ridge Captive Solutions

captive solutions simplified 

Industry Best Practices Cell
Lease a Captive Cell

A New Frontier in Self-Funded Group Captives

The most unique, cost effective Captive solution for you. Blue Ridge Captive Solutions (BRCS) is a captive program underwritten by East Coast Underwriters, LLC. BRCS enables groups of all sizes to pool their risk, providing a more controlled, predictable, and stabilized environment for your self-funded plan.

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The Ridge Newsletter

As a current or prospective client with interest in Blue Ridge Captive Solutions –Industry Best Practices Cell, we would like to offer this newsletter to serve as a resource to you.

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The Blue Ridge Difference

not all captives are created equal

Most captive programs today have confusing rules for membership, convoluted reinsurance fee structures, and expensive capital requirements beyond their normal self-funded plan costs. Blue Ridge Captive Solutions offers a straightforward alternative that provides long term cost control through industry best practices and reliable stop-loss.

Pooled risk creates economies of scale, even if your individual plan runs unfavorably.

Self-Funded plans offer more flexibility and are backed by Federal law.

Stop-loss insurance allows each employer to comfortably assess their own level of risk.

Captive Comparison Chart

Options & Advantages

Industry Best Practices Cell

Combining like-minded employer groups who implement a wellness program
Profit Sharing Captive Program with no capital contribution required and savings on first year’s Stop Loss contract
No singular effective date and wide array of Stop Loss products and contracts available
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Lease a Captive Cell

Partner with ECU to create and customize your own captive cell unique to your employer groups through a quota share arrangement with ECU & Carrier
No captive management fees, ever.
No critical mass required
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Industry Best Practices Cell

A unique, cost effective captive program for like-minded employer groups that have a common goal of health and well-being
Outcome Based Wellness Program

Each employer must offer at least one Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP) option unless the Wellness program is incentive based. Consumer Driven Health Plans include: Health Savings Account (HSA) or Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). Wellness program must include: Biometric Screening, Health Risk Assessment, and an Annual Well Visit.

100% Risk Free

No capital contributions are required to participate. Losses are never passed on to participants. No cash calls, ever.

Profit Sharing

East Coast Underwriters will share a portion of the profits earned to all participating employer groups, no matter the individual group’s performance. No cash calls or losses are ever passed down to employer groups.

Controlled Stop Loss Renewal

If group receives greater than a 10% increase max costs (not including contract change), they are free to exit the captive cell and will still receive profit share for year. If group receives less than a 10% increase maximum costs and still terms, group forfeits profit share.

All Stop Loss products available

No singular effective date to join. Groups may select any of ECU’s Stop Loss products (traditional, level funding), and contract options.


Retention Rate


Avg Effective Rate Increase


Premium Returned to Groups

Lease a Captive Cell

Design your own captive cell with Blue Ridge Captive Solutions. The cheapest and most flexible captive solution in the marketplace.
Parter With ECU

BRCS offers a unique risk sharing arrangement for you to partner with East Coast Underwriters and their preferred carrier to set up your captive cell.

Free to Create a Captive Cell

BRCS will set up the captive program free of charge. No captive management fees, actuarial, accounting, legal, or administrative costs are ever charged to our partner or the captive cell.

Full Flexibility

Our partners design their captive cells with our guidance. Utilize your preferred vendors such as PBM, TPA, Network, Cost Containment Solutions, and implement your own requirements that are unique and special for your employer groups.

Profit Sharing

Profit sharing arrangements are available to reward your employer groups.

Other Captive Solutions

East Coast Underwriters and Blue Ridge Captive Solutions is also able to write Stop Loss with other captive programs. Please consult an ECU representative to learn more.

Shout it from the Mountaintop

real reaction from Blue Ridge Captive members 
  • We’re so excited to partner with ECU. The ECU team has proven to be a very important partner for our organizations. ECU is open-minded, flexible, and willing to provide significant premium decrements to employers that implement highly effective risk management strategies.

    Gary Becker, CEO ScriptSourcing
  • Let’s put your three best testimonials here for social proof. We’ll have them animate to grab user attention. Here’s some filler text for layout reasons. ECU’s medical stop-loss insurance gives groups the protection they need while drastically reducing healthcare spend. This allows a business to take back control of their expenses while providing better quality of care for their employees.

    Name Here, Title
  • Let’s put your three best testimonials here for social proof. We’ll have them animate to grab user attention. Here’s some filler text for layout reasons. ECU’s medical stop-loss insurance gives groups the protection they need while drastically reducing healthcare spend. This allows a business to take back control of their expenses while providing better quality of care for their employees.

    Name Here, Title

Captive Questions?

Please contact us!

    Industry Best Practices CaptiveLease a Captive Cell