
healthy pool captive 

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The one, two punch on health and cost

IncentiCare is a supplemental health plan that works with current self-funded clients, and employer groups transitioning to self-funded plans. Unlike other wellness products that have a 25-35% participation rate, IncentiCare achieves an average of 96% participation in annual health screenings by offering large, outcome-based deductible incentives. Employees are able to earn thousands of dollars toward lower deductibles by simply participating in a health screening and meeting screening goals.

The IncentiCare plan is backed by a Preventive Health Management program that uses innovative health technology and health professionals to provide participating employees and spouses with the necessary tools to accomplish lifestyle changes.

Outcome-based Deductible Incentives

To combat increasing employee deductibles

Preventive Health Management

To combat rising chronic disease claims 

Let’s Compare

IncentiCare vs. other options


  • 96% participation in annual health screenings identifying almost all health risks
  • Thousands of dollars in outcome-based deductible incentives 
  • Immediate premiums savings year one
  • Built into the plan design 
  • Comprehensive, personalized blood and claims analysis 
  • Proactive Preventive Health Management throughout the year


  • 25-35% participation in annual health screenings -typically the healthy population
  • Hundreds of dollars in outcome-based deductible incentives 
  • Additional cost with no effect on premium 
  • Add-on expense to the plan
  • STandard blood test and reports with no claims analysis
  • Reactive health coaching following the health screening

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